

SuiGeneris Consulting´s privacy and data security experts focus on providing services in the following areas:


Digital information has become a powerful asset to companies in today's digital economy. Companies across market are faced with unprecedented challenges in managing privacy and data security risks associated with the collection, processing, use and disclosure of personal information regarding their customers and employees. Modern businesses have a sophisticated understanding of the issues if they want to effectively compete in today's economy. SuiGeneris Consulting´s experts do meet these specific requirements for consulting.

SuiGeneris Consulting´s privacy and data security practice helps companies manage data at every step of the information life cycle. Together with our multi-disciplinary partners we built a think tank in order to augment privacy and data security practice. We provide strategic consulting services and help clients develop privacy and data security strategies for today’s digital economy. We also provide clients with a forum for developing privacy solutions and bring together companies, consumer leaders and senior policymakers to develop next-generation privacy principles to facilitate global digital information flows.

Our main area of business lies on Data Protection Auditing, a tool for data protection, which includes elements of self-regulation and competition and complements the regulatory approach to privacy. Through a successful Data Protection Audit, we offer our clients a response to the increased awareness of privacy within the processing of personal data. Data protection has recently been recognized as a crucial factor for acceptance of all forms of electronic commerce and electronic government.

We help you to deal with this factor and to generate consumer and business partner confidence, revenue and flexibility.

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